GAR! Podcast Episode 59: Sleep Soccer Superhero Team-Up

Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

opening / insomnia / sleeping pills / ambien / late night Twittering / the American Dream / Dusty Rhodes / Stardust / storytelling tweaks / DC’s rumored new Crisis / Wally West, Donna Troy, and Spoiler / Rocket Raccoon / Batman ’66 Meets the Green Hornet / fun comics / Superman / Superior Spider-Man / team-up comics / Marvel Two-in-One / Project Pegasus / The Towering Inferno / Rob Kelly defends Aquaman / DC movies / Modern Family / Arachnoquake / World Cup soccer / Russian payback / Lego Leiki / Glenn closes for once /



Rocket Raccoon #1 preview at Biff Bam Pop!

Batman ’66 Meets the Green Hornet at All Things Fun!

All Things Fun!

Glenn’s Man of Steel review

Rob Kelly Defends Aquaman on Yahoo!

Tommy’s Coal Fired Pizza & Bar

Leiki Veskimets at Biff Bam Pop!

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


GAR! Podcast Episode 52: Comics and Sexism

Ah, Silver Age sexism.
Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

intro / Camden Comic Con / Jamie Foxx on Sirius XM / kids with cards / Comics Interview and Amazing Heroes / press conferences / CO2 Comics / the elusive Bob McLeod / DIS Meet / spring cleaning comics / Alan Moore / returning vidcasts / no Avengers spoilers / Wanna Cook? / Crossed / Tampa / The Vril Agenda / ComiXology and Amazon / and Diamond / New 52 Teen Titans / Janelle Asselin / women who read comics / Glenn’s sister’s influence and her comics / sexy vs. sexism / Starfire / Power Girl / turnabout is Tempest / Phil Jimenez / Angela and crossovers / closing /


Camden Comic Con on Facebook

Camden Comic Con on Tumblr

Camden Comic Con on Twitter

The Make Mine Magic Podcast

Buffy to Batgirl

Free Comic Book Day

Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer

The Foxxhole

Ventriloquist Ernie

Khari Productions

CO2 Comics

Comics Interview

Amazing Heroes

Steve Lafler

The World of Ginger Fox

Bob McLeod

Locust Moon Comics

Rob Kelly

The NJ DIS Meet Weekend

DIS Unplugged

DIS at French Fry Diary

Give Kids The World

All Things Fun!

The All Things Fun! Vidcast 2.0

The Biff Bam Popcast

Glenn’s Wanna Cook? review at Biff Bam Pop!

Wanna Cook?

Tampa by Alissa Nutting

The Vril Agenda by Derrick Ferguson and Josh Reynolds

Forbes on ComiXology

Bleeding Cool on ComiXology

Janelle Asselin on the cover of Teen Titans #1

Rape threats over cover at The Daily Beast

Asselin on the rape threats at XOJane

Comic Book Resources

Women in Refrigerators

Phil Jimenez

Phil Jimenez’ cover for Tempest #2

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


GAR! Podcast Episode 51: Camden Comic Con, part 3

Darwyn Cooke
Download the MP3 here!

Thanks to all our new listeners who have joined our audience lately! Don’t forget to say hi through Twitter or the show comments.

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

quick intro / Camden’s Comics / The Bolt / Camden / passion / encouragement / local landmarks / teaching with comics / changing ethnic mix / Robert Repici / Birds of Prey / Arrow / Smallville and the monomyth / why Arrow rocks / Mike Missanelli / listeners / comics and bootlegging / the ages of comics / grim and gritty / Marvel vs. DC / Bronze Age vs. Dark Age / what age are we in now? / Dan DiDio / the corporate age / comics-based videogames / the amalgamated age / Michael Pagdon / people skills / Target and pregnancy / beards / closing and thank-yous /

Very special thanks go out for this episode to Miranda Powell, Bill Haas, Donnie Treadwell, Jennifer Walker, Frank Kamina Castle, Ryan Brady, Hong Nguyen, Robert Repici, Michael Pagdon, Rutgers University, and the Camden Comic Con.


Camden’s Comics

Camden’s Comics on Facebook

The Make Mine Magic Podcast

Glenn’s reviews of “Birds of Prey”

Glenn’s “Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD” reviews at Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s “Arrow” reviews

The Myth of the American Superhero

Men of Tomorrow by Gerald Jones

Glenn’s review of Captain America The First Avenger

The New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke

Glenn on Fear Itself at Biff Bam Pop!

Michael Pagdon’s website

Michael Pagdon’s blog

Michael Pagdon on Tumblr

Pagdon Illustration on Instagram

South Jersey Writers’ Group

Collingswood Book Festival

Camden Comic Con on Facebook

Camden Comic Con on Tumblr

Camden Comic Con on Twitter

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


GAR! Podcast Episode 47: Godzilla vs. J. K. Simmons

Download the mp3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

Justice League as Al Qaeda / Good Day Philadelphia / inane local sports radio / local sports / Michael Vick / Candy Crush on Wall Street / Deadshot and Deadpool and Deathstroke / Michael C. Hall as Daredevil / Gamer / Six Feet Under / Oz and binge watching / House of Cards / help a brother out / Jonah Hex and Hex / Michael Fleischer vs. Harlan Ellison / Encyclopedia of Comic Book Heroes / Shambler / Shazam and Captain Marvel / WWE Network / Facebook drama / the Camden Comic Con / Twin Peaks in Rue Morgue / free ebook money / Voluted Tales and Godzilla / who is the most evil villain on TV? /


Mike Missanelli

Glenn’s “Arrow” reviews

Glenn’s Gamer review

help out our friend Terry (some language)

“Shambler” by Michael Fleischer

French Fry Diary

Ace Kilroy

our interview with Miranda Powell of the Camden Comic Con

Andy Burns at Biff Bam Pop!

Rue Morgue #143

C.L.’s book

Voluted Tales

Nerdful Things at Voluted tales

All Things Fun!

The War of the Gargantuas

Camden Comic Con on Facebook

Camden Comic Con on Tumblr

Camden Comic Con on Twitter

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


Godzilla for Snickers

Glenn decided to abandon hope for a clean clip from Oz with J. K. Simmons, but I found one!

GAR! Podcast Episode 45: Fangirl Invasion with Special Guest Allison Eckel

Squirrel Girl

Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast, featuring special guest Allison Eckel, includes discussion of the following:

Allison Eckel intro / mystery music / fangirl secret origin / look it up / Batman and Detective Comics / My Little Pony / what’s Allison reading / cat talk / the New 52 / the Comics Code / Teen Titans / Squirrel Girl / the worst videogamer / Grand Theft Auto for middle-aged guys / Women in Refrigerators / Guardians of the Universe / the new Fantastic Four movie / Chronicle / Arrow / Amanda Waller / sizeist comics / Marvel NOW! / plush Wolverine / fat Ghost Rider / what’s his name in the red Deadpool / Gail Simone / digital vs. hardcopy / introductory comics / Beware the Batman / Camden Comic Con / emails / French fries reports / gluten free / Indian restaurants / Girl Scout Cookies /


All Things Fun!

The All Things Fun! New Comics Vidcast

All Things Fun! Blogs

All Things Fun! Blogs by Allison

Promotion Savvy

first comic Glenn read all by himself

C.L.’s book

The Non-Gamer’s Gamer’s Blog

Glenn on Squirrel Girl

Women in Refrigerators

Glenn’s review of Chronicle

Arrow on Glenn’s blog

Camden Comic Con on Facebook

Camden Comic Con on Tumblr

Camden Comic Con on Twitter

Hey Kids, Comics! by Rob Kelly

Glenn’s website

The Make Mine Magic Podcast

French Fry Diary

Burger 21

Cool Dog Cafe

Allison’s Twitter

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook

Seriously, don’t mess with Squirrel Girl:


GAR! Podcast Episode 42: Love Letters From My Wife

gar42 copy

MP3 link

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

42 / Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy / Eoin Colfer / film adaptations / Philip K. Dick / True Detective / The King in Yellow / Derrick Ferguson / Jennifer Blood / Candy Crush / Read On… Romance / tattoos / League of Extraordinary Gentlemen / all writers are crazy / internet problems / libraries and the homeless / signing books / Love Letters to My Wife / Netflix / Safety Not Guaranteed / Dave Batista / Guardians of the Galaxy / Glenn’s Wonder Woman / “Rio” by Duran Duran /


Glenn talks “True Detective” at Biff Bam Pop!

Dillon and The Last Rail to Khusra by Derrick Ferguson

Read On… Romance by C.L. Quillen and Ilene N. Lefkowitz

C.L. Quillen’s Amazon page

Writer Circle

South Jersey Writers

Glenn’s blog post on Wireless Hospitality

Guardians of the Galaxy trailer

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


“Wonder Woman” theme

“Rio” by Duran Duran


GAR! Podcast Episode 39: Special Guest Bryan J. L. Glass

gar39 copy small

MP3 link

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast has a special guest- Furious writer BRYAN J.L. GLASS!

Ray joins the conversation late due to traffic. Bryan’s a fantastic guest. Bryan was a fantastic guest, and he’s welcome back any time.

Go buy Furious today! Available at your local comics store or at Dark Horse Digital- see link for app information.

Ray-less / Bryan J.L. Glass / Mice Templar / All Things Fun! / Furious / the concept / reality / Victor Santos / collaboration / comic book car chase / more Victor / Polar / origins of Furious / Daredevil Born Again / deconstruction / breaking it down / the media / redemption / what Furious is really about / Ray-some / obligatory “Breaking Bad” reference / zombies on meth / Electra Woman and Dyna Girl / Micronauts / Bryan’s space opera / another Avengers moment / Thor: First Thunder / Thor as Superman / “the hammer is my big stack” / Ray from the past / Bryan’s signing tour / closing /


Bryan J.L. Glass’ website

Bryan J.L. Glass on Twitter

Furious on Twitter

Furious on Facebook

Perfidia on Twitter

The All Things Fun! New Comics Vidcast

Dark Horse Comics

Dark Horse Presents #31 preview

Furious #1 preview

Victor Santos on Blogger

Victor Santos on Twitter

Filthy Rich


Furious at Newsarama

Dark Horse Comics app

Thor: First Thunder

All Things Fun!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


Electra Woman and Dyna Girl opening

“Brand New Day” by Neil Patrick Harris as Dr. Horrible

And since we talked about Community this week, how can we ignore this fabulous shot from Allison Brie and Gillian Jacobs?
gar39a copy


GAR! Podcast Episode 37: Ultron, We Would Have Words With Thee

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

New Year’s resolutions / Charles Soule / Superman and Wonder Woman / Thunderbolts / Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers / Hickman’s Fantastic Four / Avengers moments / New Universe / 18 member roster / the hook / lag / Superior Spider-Man / Dan Slott / Furious / Star Wars comics / 1980s independent comics / rare black and white comics / Glenn talks about Godzilla again / Ray reacts to Wonder Woman rumor / source material / Bobby “The Brain” Heenan /


Charles Soule interview at Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s review of Superman/Wonder Woman #1

why not Superman and Wonder Woman?

Glenn talks Hickman’s early Avengers here and hereat Biff Bam Pop!

All of Glenn’s Infinity reviews can be found hereat Biff Bam Pop! in reverse chronological order

Glenn on the return of the New Universe

Glenn on Superior Spider-Man in Age of Ultron

Glenn’s Age of Ultron reviews at Biff Bam Pop!

Furious on Facebook

All Things Fun!

Glenn reviews Star Wars #3 from Dark Horse


Wonder Woman is Kryptonian???

Glenn’s favorite five films of 2013

Bobby “The Brain” Heenan

The Make Mine Magic Podcast

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


Bobby “The Brain” Heenan inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame

MP3 link

GAR! Podcast Episode 33: Donkeys, latkes, wrestling, and old comics.

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

on time / Hanukkah / holiday cooking / Donkey’s Place / Philly cheesesteaks / Impact wrestling / Dixie Carter, no, not thatDixie Carter / homo-erotic wrestling / Batman vs Superman, Ray vs Glenn / The Motley Fool on comics / Rom: Spaceknight / Bill Mantlo / Arrow / Doctor Who / Blake’s 7 / Omar / hi to Bobbie and Bruce / Assassin’s Creed / Amish romance and NaNoWriMo / holiday wish lists / Reptilicus / Steve Ditko /


Hanukkah in America

Last year’s potato latke attempt

Donkey’s Place at French Fry Diary

Donkey’s Place

Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman

The Motley Fool on Comics

My name is Bill Mantlo. I want to go home.

Glenn’s Arrow reviews

South Jersey Writers – membership is open

Glenn’s Amazon wish list

Ray’s Amazon wish list

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter


Ethan Carter III vs. Curryman (edited)

Vince McMahon vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Legends of the Super-Heroes: The Roast – Ghetto Man

Rom Spaceknight toy commercial

Reptilicus trailer

Check out this episode

GAR! Podcast Episode 32: More like Law and BOREDOM, am I right?

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

Law and Order / tilapia and baby back ribs / Rib-It / onion ring masterpieces / back to Law and Order / the Potato Onion Web / French fries cause cancer / Shaft’s father / we offend everyone / once more back into Law and Order / sailors week / why Ray is so smart / why Glenn is so dumb / Deptford Mall / TV stories of childhood / stupid Glenn’s birthday / The Six Million Dollar Man / Scholastic magazines / secret origins / What If? / Doctor Doom / Wally Wood / Peanuts / Show’N Tell / Sears Wish Book / videogames of our youth / Glenn stinks at videogames / NaNoWriMo / The Make Mine Magic Podcast / Thanksgiving /


Law and Order

Owner of Rib-It Passes

Red Robin’s Tower of Onion Rings at French Fry Diary

CityWalk’s Rising Star Karaoke at French Fry Diary

French Fries Cause Cancer

I Am Lesbian

Dynamite magazine

What If?

Wally Wood

Rob Kelly’s Power Records Blog

Hey Kids, Comics!

The Sears Christmas Wish Book

The Non-Gamer’s Gamer’s Blog

South Jersey Writers membership is open

Glenn’s NaNoWriMo


Chili’s Baby Back Ribs

GE Show’N Tell Record Player

Cyberball 2072 gameplay

Yar’s Revenge gameplay

Check out this episode