The GAR! Podcast 135: The 2016 Camden Comic Con Five Star Spectacular

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This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast, recorded live at the
2016 Camden Comic Con, includes discussion of the following:

intro / Justin Piatt and Zach Dolan of Unlikely Heroes Studios / Kickstarter / worldbuilding / superhero tiers / Patreon / the Black Hole robot / collaboration and world / character placement / always a boxing glove / Frank Miller / Alan Moore / superfan / Audacious Eleven / Suliman Onque / Super Sketch Painter / Ben Grimm / favorites / punching buildings / Chris Claremont / Make Mine Magic / Mark Poulton / A Cat Named Haiku / marketing the cat / Kickstarter again / demographics and merch / cats / The GAR! Podcast / Ed Evans / The All Things Fun! New Comics Vidcast / screwing up / gaming at CCC / card games / the theme is failure / mail order comics / the army base / military demographics / business / get Glenn back into comics / DC Rebirth / Dan Didio / blank comics / twilight time / thank you / closing /




The Camden Comic Con

Unlikely Heroes Studios

Super! on Twitter

Super! on Facebook

Super! on Kickstarter

Super! on Patreon

Glenn’s “Young Justice” reviews

On-Q Comics

Suliman Onque

Mark Poulton on Twitter

Mark Poulton on Facebook

A Cat Named Haiku – the app

All Things Fun!

The All Things Fun! New Comics Vidcast

Glenn’s “Arrow” reviews

Glenn’s “The Flash” reviews

Glenn on the Flash/Supergirl crossover

Biff Bam Pop!

The Biff Bam Pop! Podcast Network

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The Adventures of Ray

The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest

The GAR! Podcast on Instagram

The GAR! Podcast on Stitcher

The GAR! Podcast on iTunes

The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook

The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook

Contact us directly here.


GAR! Podcast Episode 21- Special Guests Jeremy Whitley and Emily Martin of Princeless

One of these days, I’m going to figure out how we’ve gotten so lucky here at GAR! This week, Glenn and I had the privilege of interviewing the current creative team of the Eisner-nominated and Glyph-winning comic book, Princeless (a big GAR favorite). Jeremy Whitley (the book’s writer) and Emily Martin (the book’s current artist) were kind enough to stop by and talk about their book, teaching comics, publisher Action Lab Comics, and other topics.

As always, you can always get the latest shows and leave comments for us at You can also listen on iTunes and Stitcher. Tweet Ray at @raycornwall, and tweet Glenn at @monsura. Thanks for listening!

introduction / Jeremy’s inspiration / accessible comics / Emily comes on board / Mark Waid and the Eisner Awards / Gail Simone / teaching art / college / self-publishing / plushes / Princeless / Breaking Bad / it always comes back to Prince / Emily’s influences and art styles / coloring and lions / cosplay / Endless inspirations / Jeremy’s Batman story / cat intermission / APE / where to stalk / robot apocalypse / holding the line / Space-Time Condominium / Molly Danger by Jamal Igle / Skyward and Vamplets / closing words / Batman vs Grumpy Cat /


Action Lab Comics
Princeless at Graphicly
Princeless on Tumblr
All Things Fun!
All Things Fun! Vidcast
Allison Eckel at All Things Fun!
Megamoth Studios
Megamoth Studio Classes
Chris Sims
War Rocket Ajax
the real Death
Otherkinds webcomic
Alternative Press Expo
Emily’s Twitter
Emily’s Tumblr
Jeremy’s Twitter
Bleeding Cool
Space-Time Condominium
Molly Danger by Jamal Igle
Buy Princ1ess

Check out this episode