The GAR! Podcast 135: The 2016 Camden Comic Con Five Star Spectacular

Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast, recorded live at the
2016 Camden Comic Con, includes discussion of the following:

intro / Justin Piatt and Zach Dolan of Unlikely Heroes Studios / Kickstarter / worldbuilding / superhero tiers / Patreon / the Black Hole robot / collaboration and world / character placement / always a boxing glove / Frank Miller / Alan Moore / superfan / Audacious Eleven / Suliman Onque / Super Sketch Painter / Ben Grimm / favorites / punching buildings / Chris Claremont / Make Mine Magic / Mark Poulton / A Cat Named Haiku / marketing the cat / Kickstarter again / demographics and merch / cats / The GAR! Podcast / Ed Evans / The All Things Fun! New Comics Vidcast / screwing up / gaming at CCC / card games / the theme is failure / mail order comics / the army base / military demographics / business / get Glenn back into comics / DC Rebirth / Dan Didio / blank comics / twilight time / thank you / closing /




The Camden Comic Con

Unlikely Heroes Studios

Super! on Twitter

Super! on Facebook

Super! on Kickstarter

Super! on Patreon

Glenn’s “Young Justice” reviews

On-Q Comics

Suliman Onque

Mark Poulton on Twitter

Mark Poulton on Facebook

A Cat Named Haiku – the app

All Things Fun!

The All Things Fun! New Comics Vidcast

Glenn’s “Arrow” reviews

Glenn’s “The Flash” reviews

Glenn on the Flash/Supergirl crossover

Biff Bam Pop!

The Biff Bam Pop! Podcast Network

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The Adventures of Ray

The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest

The GAR! Podcast on Instagram

The GAR! Podcast on Stitcher

The GAR! Podcast on iTunes

The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook

The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook

Contact us directly here.


GAR! Podcast Episode 114: Finally, Fantastic Four! (And Denny’s!)

Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

apology and intro / Deptford 8 / Fantastic Four 2015 / corporate war / Josh Trank / what FF should be / the best FF comic run / Invisible Woman / The Thing / Human Torch / Reed Richards / Doctor Doom and origins / Namor / box office / romantic rivals / cinematic rights / Ben Grimm / what Ray wants / Johnny and Sue / favorite FF comics / the end of the FF comic / Audacious Eleven / aftermath / Ray’s initial thoughts on a bad movie / the good first half / clobbering time / spoiler warning / superhero movies and heroics / exclusive Sue / the acting / the blame / editing / flaws / Denny’s / The Thing Burger / Make Mine Magic / end of the film franchise / The Terminator / FF in the comics / Deadpool / trust / Wolverine and the X-Men / Kitty Pryde / the special effects / acting with effects / things about the movie Thing / origin without training / locales / cartoon with no plot / Doom’s lack of motivation / scars / anti-source material / the soul of Chronicle / oral history / Denny’s just desserts / thumbs up to Denny’s / young Ray’s thoughts / rating the movie / how bad is it? / closing / All Things Fun! Doctor Who Day / send Ray your toys /


The Fantastic Four Trailer

Ray Watches the Trailer Live

Andy Burns’ review at Biff Bam Pop!

Skott Stotland’s review at The Nerd Signal

Johnny and Sue, and Grant Morrison

The Deadpool Trailer at Biff Bam Pop!

Denny’s Blackwood-Clementon Road

Screen Crush ate everything on the Denny’s Fantastic Four Menu

All Things Fun!

Doctor Who Day at All Things Fun! August 15, 2015

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The Adventures of Ray

The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest

The GAR! Podcast on Stitcher

The GAR! Podcast on iTunes

The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook

The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook

Contact us directly here.


GAR! Podcast Episode 110: #SDCC Aftermath

Someone tell Ben Grimm to put some pants on.
Someone tell Ben Grimm to put some pants on.

Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

intro / ComicCon hashtags / Comic Book People / con corruption / Artist Alley ghetto / the Arthur Suydam saga / the nicest people in comics / and then there’s John Byrne / Ray watches the Fantastic Four trailer live / the poster / li’l Reed Richards the screw-up / Kirby did it better / we need a Kamandi movie / Michael B. Jordan / apology / Newegg / Miles Teller / more Ray watches the FF trailer live / the Thing with no pants / bad special effects / Ray’s ten-minute-plus Secret Wars rant / Deadpool / Batman V. Superman / Suicide Squad / Fear the Walking Dead / Conan and respect / poor Kevin Smith / Glove and Boots / closing / Brick House / Avengers vs. Defenders 2099 /



Comic Book People by Jackie Estrada

The Suicide Squad trailer

The Arthur Suydam Saga

Khoi Pham on Facebook

Chris Wisnia

Neil Vokes on Facebook

Darick Robertson on Twitter

Steve Pugh

Tom Smith on Facebook

The new Fantastic Four trailer at Biff Bam Pop!


Batman v. Superman trailer

Glenn’s review of Assault on Arkham

The “Fear the Walking Dead” trailer (among others)

Glove and Boots on Kevin Smith

Jack & Mike’s Brickhouse Bar & Grille

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The Adventures of Ray

The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest

The GAR! Podcast on Stitcher

The GAR! Podcast on iTunes

The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook

The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook

Contact us directly here.

From Brick House in Brick, NJ. A wonderful gluten-free burger and some great fries!
From Brick House in Brick, NJ. A wonderful gluten-free burger and some great fries!

GAR! Podcast Episode 70: Stoner TV and Big Brother

Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

intro / writer math / Glenn’s old / the Wilderness Act / Adventure Time / Sid and Marty Krofft / Electra Woman and Dyna Girl / 1980s stoner TV / She-Ra / toys and morals / Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends / animated Fantastic Four / translating the FF / origins / new FF flick / Big Brother / brains vs. beauty / gameplay / Ariana Grande / naked pictures controversy / Silver Linings Playbook / Ray at the Ground Round / Nifty Fifty’s / Red Robin / customer service / phone scammers / OMAC / Forever Evil / Aaron Kuder / I Kill Giants / ADAM 12 / OMAC flushed down the toilet / closing / Biff Bam Pop! /



Glenn’s Birthday Podcast

Rob Kelly

Back Issue! at TwoMorrows

Nifty Fifty’s at French Fry Diary

Red Robin Birthday Fries


Aaron Kuder on Twitter

ADAM 12 by Gigio Longo and Nick Suders

Stitcher on Twitter

The Wednesday Run by JP Fallavollita

“The Strain” reviewed by Marie Gilbert

“Doctor Who” reviewed by Glenn

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


GAR! Podcast Episode 45: Fangirl Invasion with Special Guest Allison Eckel

Squirrel Girl

Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast, featuring special guest Allison Eckel, includes discussion of the following:

Allison Eckel intro / mystery music / fangirl secret origin / look it up / Batman and Detective Comics / My Little Pony / what’s Allison reading / cat talk / the New 52 / the Comics Code / Teen Titans / Squirrel Girl / the worst videogamer / Grand Theft Auto for middle-aged guys / Women in Refrigerators / Guardians of the Universe / the new Fantastic Four movie / Chronicle / Arrow / Amanda Waller / sizeist comics / Marvel NOW! / plush Wolverine / fat Ghost Rider / what’s his name in the red Deadpool / Gail Simone / digital vs. hardcopy / introductory comics / Beware the Batman / Camden Comic Con / emails / French fries reports / gluten free / Indian restaurants / Girl Scout Cookies /


All Things Fun!

The All Things Fun! New Comics Vidcast

All Things Fun! Blogs

All Things Fun! Blogs by Allison

Promotion Savvy

first comic Glenn read all by himself

C.L.’s book

The Non-Gamer’s Gamer’s Blog

Glenn on Squirrel Girl

Women in Refrigerators

Glenn’s review of Chronicle

Arrow on Glenn’s blog

Camden Comic Con on Facebook

Camden Comic Con on Tumblr

Camden Comic Con on Twitter

Hey Kids, Comics! by Rob Kelly

Glenn’s website

The Make Mine Magic Podcast

French Fry Diary

Burger 21

Cool Dog Cafe

Allison’s Twitter

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook

Seriously, don’t mess with Squirrel Girl:


GAR! Podcast Episode 37: Ultron, We Would Have Words With Thee

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

New Year’s resolutions / Charles Soule / Superman and Wonder Woman / Thunderbolts / Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers / Hickman’s Fantastic Four / Avengers moments / New Universe / 18 member roster / the hook / lag / Superior Spider-Man / Dan Slott / Furious / Star Wars comics / 1980s independent comics / rare black and white comics / Glenn talks about Godzilla again / Ray reacts to Wonder Woman rumor / source material / Bobby “The Brain” Heenan /


Charles Soule interview at Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s review of Superman/Wonder Woman #1

why not Superman and Wonder Woman?

Glenn talks Hickman’s early Avengers here and hereat Biff Bam Pop!

All of Glenn’s Infinity reviews can be found hereat Biff Bam Pop! in reverse chronological order

Glenn on the return of the New Universe

Glenn on Superior Spider-Man in Age of Ultron

Glenn’s Age of Ultron reviews at Biff Bam Pop!

Furious on Facebook

All Things Fun!

Glenn reviews Star Wars #3 from Dark Horse


Wonder Woman is Kryptonian???

Glenn’s favorite five films of 2013

Bobby “The Brain” Heenan

The Make Mine Magic Podcast

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


Bobby “The Brain” Heenan inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame

MP3 link

GAR! Podcast Episode 26- Spoiled on Spoilers

MP3 available here

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

back on schedule / Breaking Bad finale / dream theory / life after Breaking Bad / Firefly / AMC budgets / spoilers / long distance relationships / hermitage / the death of Captain America / Shade the Changing Man / Chris Bachalo / more Peter Milligan / True Crime Detective Magazines / Hey Kids, Comics! / Scalped again / Kick-Ass / Injustice: Gods Among Us / Naughty Gamers / more Injustice / shout outs / South Jersey Writers / NaNoWriMo / Goldberg / deaths in the ring / Jerry Lawler / Andy Kaufman / Chris Benoit / Gillberg / Glenn’s pain / Superman/Wonder Woman / 31 Days of Horror at Biff Bam Pop! /


Breaking Bad The Complete Series
Heisenburger T-Shirt at Woot!
Four Things Breaking Bad Taught Me About Writing
Sarah’s Obligatory Blog
Marie’s Gilbert Curiosities
Breaking bad Dream Theory
Breaking Bad at Grantland
The Best of Milligan & McCarthy
True Crime Detective Magazines
Hey Kids, Comics!
Hey Kids, Comics! Blog
GAR! on Facebook
Glenn talks about The Boys
The Naughty Gamers
South Jersey Writers
South Jersey Writers Twitter
National Novel Writing Month
Goldberg The Ultimate Collection
Jerry Lawler on Grantland
Glenn’s review of Superman/Wonder Woman #1
Biff Bam Pop!
31 Days of Horror at Biff Bam Pop!
Biff Bam Pop! talks to Slash
Ray’s Twitter
Glenn’s Twitter


“Santa Claus and his Old Lady” by Cheech and Chong

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesner

Goldberg vs. Steve Regal

Gillberg entrance