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This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
false start / Philadelphia talk radio / Mike Missanelli and Philly Pheud / Research Ray and Crab Fries / From the 30s to the 70s / E. Nelson Bridwell / free Snickers / the most evil character on television / Little Steven vs. Silvio / Trek evil / Nancy Grace / Dexter / just doing their job / Batman ’66 / Sons of Anarchy / Archie Bunker / Vince McMahon / ‘just three more’ / MC Ren / Billy Joel / Batman and the Green Hornet / how to lose Twitter Followers / Camden Comic Con / Chikara / what’s your favorite time travel story? /
Mike Missanelli
NJ 101.5 FM
Philly Pheud
Chickie & Pete’s at French Fry Diary
Chickie & Pete’s labor problem
Philly Pheud on Twitter
Shazam! From the 40’s to the 70’s
Rich Voza
Stephanie McMahon dishes
Canada Talks
Andy Burns at Biff Bam Pop!
Rue Morgue #143
“Rebel Music” by MC Ren (explicit language)
the Furious Twitter feed, featuring Furious cosplay
Silvermania on YouTube
Chikara at Biff Bam Pop! by Terry Willitts
The Make Mine Magic Podcast
Camden Comic Con on Facebook
Camden Comic Con on Tumblr
Camden Comic Con on Twitter
Biff Bam Pop!
Glenn’s Twitter
Ray’s Twitter
The GAR! Podcast on Facebook
‘Lightening Round’ on Philly Pheud
“Sun City” by Artists United Against Apartheid