The GAR! Podcast Episode 140: Choose Your Side

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This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

intro / podcast break up / Jim Cornette and Alice Radley / Glenn Beck / choosing sides in the divorce / moving to Florida / the giant alligator / The 6:05 Superpodcast / origins of wrestling / Sputnik Monroe / Superstar Billy Graham / Vince McMahon / Mr. Wrestling 2 / Civil War / the inappropriate Doc Samson / death in comics / public perception / Tom Brevoort / War Machine / She-Hulk / Ray on Civil War II / emotional investment / the Bendisverse / drinks are on Tony / tale of the potted plant / who’s dead? / make us care / Ray’s She-Hulk imitation / closing / lawsuit evasion /

The image Glenn and I reference on this episode
The image Glenn and I reference on this episode

Sputnik Monroe
Famed Wrestler Sputnik Monroe



The Jim Cornette Experience

The Make Mine Magic Podcast

The 6:05 Superpodcast

Nerdfect Strangers

Glenn’s reviews of “Arrow”

Glenn’s review of Civil War II #0

Glenn’s review of Civil War II #1

Glenn’s thoughts on Captain America: Steve Rogers #1

Amy Hollinger

Biff Bam Pop!

The Biff Bam Pop! Podcast Network

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The Adventures of Ray

The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest

The GAR! Podcast on Instagram

The GAR! Podcast on Stitcher

The GAR! Podcast on iTunes

The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook

The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook

Contact us directly here.



Giant Alligator in Florida

The GAR! Podcast 119: Bad Wrestling

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This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

very special intro / Nerdfect Strangers / good wrestling and bad wrestling / Doomsday Cage Match / Wrestlecrap / more Cage Match / Ray explains pro wrestling / illegal piledriver / frying pans / WarGames / Brian Michael Bendis’ Daredevil / Mark Waid’s Daredevil / Vince Russo / Scott Snyder? / Scott Steiner / ECW / exploding ring / more frying pans / divisions of wrestling / Kaiju Big Battel / Chikara / The New Day / Xavier Woods / My Little Pony / summing up / Muppet Babies and Duck Tales / WrestleMania X-Seven / broken glass / The Biff Bam Pop! Podcast Network / bi-national / closing / Blame Canada /


Nerdfect Strangers

Nerdfect Strangers on Facebook

Nerdfect Strangers on Twitter

Nerdfect Strangers Episode 22: Audition at Castle GraySkull


Jim Cornette on MLWRadio

Jim Cornette

Kaiju Big Battel



The Make Mine Magic Podcast

Jerry Whitworth at Comic Art Community

WrestleMania X-Seven

The Biff Bam Pop! Podcast Network

Audacious Eleven

The Biff Bam Popcast


The Official Popshifter Podcast

“Blame Canada”

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The Adventures of Ray

The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest

The GAR! Podcast on Stitcher

The GAR! Podcast on iTunes

The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook

The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook

Contact us directly here.


Scott Steiner does math


Glenn’s Favorite Wrestling Match: Hulk Hogan and Randy “Macho Man” Savage vs. The Alliance To End Hulkamania in a Triple Cage Of Doom with Frying Pans!

GAR! Podcast Episode 48: Most Evil Character On TV

Download the mp3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

false start / Philadelphia talk radio / Mike Missanelli and Philly Pheud / Research Ray and Crab Fries / From the 30s to the 70s / E. Nelson Bridwell / free Snickers / the most evil character on television / Little Steven vs. Silvio / Trek evil / Nancy Grace / Dexter / just doing their job / Batman ’66 / Sons of Anarchy / Archie Bunker / Vince McMahon / ‘just three more’ / MC Ren / Billy Joel / Batman and the Green Hornet / how to lose Twitter Followers / Camden Comic Con / Chikara / what’s your favorite time travel story? /


Mike Missanelli


NJ 101.5 FM

Philly Pheud

Chickie & Pete’s at French Fry Diary

Chickie & Pete’s labor problem

Philly Pheud on Twitter

Shazam! From the 40’s to the 70’s

Rich Voza

Stephanie McMahon dishes

Canada Talks

Andy Burns at Biff Bam Pop!

Rue Morgue #143


“Rebel Music” by MC Ren (explicit language)

the Furious Twitter feed, featuring Furious cosplay

Silvermania on YouTube


Chikara at Biff Bam Pop! by Terry Willitts

The Make Mine Magic Podcast

Camden Comic Con on Facebook

Camden Comic Con on Tumblr

Camden Comic Con on Twitter

Biff Bam Pop!
Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


‘Lightening Round’ on Philly Pheud

“Sun City” by Artists United Against Apartheid