GAR! 176: Secret Origins

Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of Glenn’s recent trip to South Jersey; the awesome Secret Origins Comics & More; various local restaurants including Red Hot & Blue, the Moon Dog Grill, the Fat Tomato Italian Bistro, and The Pub; listener feedback; the new Berlin Farmers Market; half-cover discount comics; Glenn’s retconned comic book addiction secret origin; the unrecorded GAR! 175.5 episode; the obsessive waiter from Hell; the spite flight; and the Camden Comic Con.

The GAR! Podcast is the Glenn Walker and Ray Cornwall weekly podcast where they talk unrehearsed about whatever happens to come to mind. It’s an audio-zine for your mind, a nerd exploration of a nerd world, coming to you from the suburbs of New Jersey and the sunny lakes of Florida via Skype.


The GAR! Trump IQ Test Challenge

Glenn’s Trump Tweet

Amy Holiday

South Jersey Writers’ Group

Philadelphia Writers Conference

Red Hot & Blue

French Fry Diary

GAR! on Rib-It

The Heart Attack Grill

The Moon Dog Grill

The Pub on French Fry Diary

The Fat Tomato Italian Bistro

Robin Renee

Glenn’s Memories of Incredible Hulk #131

Secret Origins Comics & More

Camden Comic Con

Biff Bam Pop!

The Biff Bam Pop! Podcast Network

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The Adventures of Ray

The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest

The GAR! Podcast on Instagram

The GAR! Podcast on Stitcher

The GAR! Podcast on TuneIn Radio

The GAR! Podcast on Apple Podcasts

The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook

The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook

Contact us directly here.


The New Berlin Farmers Market Commercial

GAR! Podcast Episode 77: Pulp AdventureCon 2014

Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

soft spoken intro / live from Pulp AdventureCon / better than last year / the guy from Paradox Comics / Godzilla on Zone Fighter / AWA wrestling / WWF vs. WWE / bootleg / Stingray and The Equalizer / Beatles movies / Sgt. Pepper 1978 / Staying Alive / the art of haggling / the Sunday equation / Mt. Laurel Library / All-Star Comics #3 / digital comics / the still mythical David Lisa / Robert Kirkman and The Walking Dead / long comics runs / Redheaded Fangirl / pulp / The Spider / the candy bowl / best and worst candy bars / worst Halloween treats / Ray’s birthday present / evil taffy / Halloweens past / chilled chocolate / tricked treats / Halloween hangover / wheeling and dealing / costumes and creeps / closing /


Pulp AdventureCon

Paradox Comics


“The Equalizer”

Mt. Laurel Library

“The Walking Dead” at Biff Bam Pop!

Redhead Fangirl

Cherry Hill Public Library

The Spider

Candy Bars, Ranked Competantly

Cyn’s No-Talent Hack

Cyn’s website

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest

The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook

The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook


GAR! Podcast Episode 30: Live From The Front Seat Of Glenn’s Car!

(Note from Ray- Glenn did our write-up. I’m shocked that he did this without using the word “bedbug”. So, not for any reason other than it’s fun to say “bedbug”…BEDBUG BEDBUG BEDBUG BEDBUG! You’re welcome.)

(Also, the guy we thought was dead? He wasn’t. We saw him walking around a few hours later. So we didn’t make fun of a dead guy. Our karma is spared.)

(Also- Alligator People is AWESOME. Watch the movie below. You’ll thank me later.)

(Also- this was my favorite podcast with Glenn. We really did this in the parking lot of the con in Glenn’s car. We should do more like this.)

This week’s special Live from the Pulp AdventureCon episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

Pulp AdventureCon / Glenn’s arcane movie knowledge / The Wild World of Batwoman / The Alligator People / West of Zanzibar / customer service / the dead guy in the back / Golden Age comics / slabbing comics / the original Daredevil / Mark Waid / Mr. Terrific* / serials / The Spider / bat mitzvah / figure skating / Tonya Harding / sex tapes / this episode’s Breaking Bad reference / Brady Bunch / hotel as alternate housing / customers / used Star Wars toys / Ender’s Game / creator vs. product / Mel Gibson / Super Fun Night / Queen Latifah / marriage / the Green Hornet on radio / Frank Miller / The Spirit / into the woods / Tom Smith / The Fox /

* although what Glenn is thinking of is Captain Nice


Pulp AdventureCon
The Wild World of Batwoman
The Alligator People
CGC Comics
The original Daredevil
The Fox
Radio Archives
The Spider #64 Claws of the Golden Dragon
Baking Bread t-shirts
Ramada Inn in Bordentown NJ on FourSquare
The Green Hornet Casefiles
Glenn’s review of Frank Miller’s The Spirit
Glenn’s review of the Spirit TV movie
Glenn’s Twitter
Ray’s Twitter


The Wild World of Batwoman trailer

The Alligator People trailer

The Alligator People full movie

Mr. Terrific opening

Captain Nice

The Spirit TV movie preview clip

“The Fox” by Ylvis

Check out this episode

GAR! Podcast Episode 26- Spoiled on Spoilers

MP3 available here

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

back on schedule / Breaking Bad finale / dream theory / life after Breaking Bad / Firefly / AMC budgets / spoilers / long distance relationships / hermitage / the death of Captain America / Shade the Changing Man / Chris Bachalo / more Peter Milligan / True Crime Detective Magazines / Hey Kids, Comics! / Scalped again / Kick-Ass / Injustice: Gods Among Us / Naughty Gamers / more Injustice / shout outs / South Jersey Writers / NaNoWriMo / Goldberg / deaths in the ring / Jerry Lawler / Andy Kaufman / Chris Benoit / Gillberg / Glenn’s pain / Superman/Wonder Woman / 31 Days of Horror at Biff Bam Pop! /


Breaking Bad The Complete Series
Heisenburger T-Shirt at Woot!
Four Things Breaking Bad Taught Me About Writing
Sarah’s Obligatory Blog
Marie’s Gilbert Curiosities
Breaking bad Dream Theory
Breaking Bad at Grantland
The Best of Milligan & McCarthy
True Crime Detective Magazines
Hey Kids, Comics!
Hey Kids, Comics! Blog
GAR! on Facebook
Glenn talks about The Boys
The Naughty Gamers
South Jersey Writers
South Jersey Writers Twitter
National Novel Writing Month
Goldberg The Ultimate Collection
Jerry Lawler on Grantland
Glenn’s review of Superman/Wonder Woman #1
Biff Bam Pop!
31 Days of Horror at Biff Bam Pop!
Biff Bam Pop! talks to Slash
Ray’s Twitter
Glenn’s Twitter


“Santa Claus and his Old Lady” by Cheech and Chong

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesner

Goldberg vs. Steve Regal

Gillberg entrance